Dear colleagues,
We would like to bring your attention to the (Community Driven) CD5 Parallel Session on the Adverse Space Weather – the case of high energy Solar Energetic Particle events that will take place at the upcoming ESWW2024 from 4 – 8 November 2024 in Coimbra, Portugal.
Adverse space weather conditions and their consequences are challenging to predict. Very high-energy solar energetic particles (E>100 MeV protons) pose a considerable risk for astronaut’s lives, destroy satellite electronics and can reach crew and passengers in aircraft flying altitudes over the Poles. Despite the fact that such particles have been observed for decades from spacecraft and ground-based instruments (such as AMS-02, PAMELA and neutron monitors), the scarcity of measurements that would fill the gap in the energy spectral region from beyond the nominal science-grade spacecraft instrument capabilities up to that of ground-based recordings, still hampers our understanding and our capability to make accurate predictions. New missions and sophisticated techniques have massively expanded our capabilities, opening new possibilities to innovative approaches to analyze and model past events as well as develop novel predictive capabilities. Such efforts have been recently fostered by EU funding (SPEARHEAD, SOLER, SERPENTINE among others).
The goal of this session is to provide a forum for new and ongoing efforts bridging the gap between lower and high energies, facilitating space weather research and extending future predictive capabilities. We invite abstracts covering observations, models, and their combinations.
We look forward to contributions on:
- energy spectra of very high-energy SEP events from beyond the nominal science-grade spacecraft instrument capabilities up to that of ground-based recordings;
- combined measurements of very high-energy SEPs that bridge the energy gap (AMS-02, PAMELA, neutron monitors) ;
- novel techniques to infer very high-energy observations from lower energy measurements;
- applicability (of these measurements) into prediction chains of Space Weather conditions;
- usability (of such measurements) on open scientific questions on the acceleration, injection and transport of SEP events;
Abstract submission:
Deadline for oral submissions: June 20, 2024.
Past this date, all submissions will only be considered for poster presentation