The Extraterrestrial Physics division of the Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics of the University of Kiel (CAU) has more than 30 years of experience in building and analysing energetic particle instruments for space missions and has been a PI institution for Helios E6, Ulysses/COSPIN/KET, Galileo/EPI, SOHO/COSTEP/EPHIN, STEREO/IMPACT/SEPT, and the Dostel and Matroshka experiments on MIR, Space Shuttle, and ISS. The division is also a Co-Principal-Investigator institution for Solar Obiter / EPD. The group has been involved actively in a number of research workshops at the International Space Science Institute and in publishing. In more than 300 refereed publications this data has been analysed and discussed theoretically.
The team at CAU will lead the WP2 and participate in WPs 3 and 5. The team at CAU is led by Prof. Dr. Bernd Heber who is heading the Heliospheric AstroParticle group (HAP) of nearly 10 scientists and engineers. He has expertise in cosmic ray transport theory and in the analysis and interpretation of energetic particle data acquired by spacecraft and ground-based instruments. He has investigated solar and galactic cosmic ray acceleration and propagation. His role in SPEARHEAD is to provide new high-energy data products from the Kiel Electron Telescope aboard Ulysses, the EPHIN instruments aboard SOHO and Chandra. He will assist with interpreting them and implementing them into SPEARHEAD. Dr. Patrick Kühl is a project researcher in HAP at CAU. He is an expert on energetic particle instrument simulations and data analysis. In SPEARHEAD, Dr.. Kühl will work with the Solar Orbiter HET data, characterising the instrument responses and providing the team with advanced tools to analyse the data. Mr. Malte Hörlöck is a project researcher in HAP at CAU. He is an expert on energetic particle instrument simulations and data analysis. In SPEARHEAD, Mr. Hörlöck will work with the SOHO / EPHIN, Chandra / EPHIN and Solar Orbiter HET data, characterising the instrument responses and providing the team with advanced tools to analyse the data. Prof. Dr. Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber has leading expertise in solar wind plasma, suprathermal and energetic particles, and solar and heliospheric physics, as well as the role of high-energy space radiation for radiation protection in preparation of manned exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond. His role in SPEARHEAD is to provide new high-energy data products from the High-Energy Telescope (HET) which is part of EPD on Solar Orbiter and the Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) on Mars.
Key Personnel

Prof. Bernd Heber

Marlon Köberle

Lisa Romaneehseen

Dr. Patrick Kuhl

Malte Hörlöck