Last week (18-22/03/2024) at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern (Switzerland) the International Team REASSESS – gRound and spacE-bAsed analySis of Strong sEp eventS and Study of their terrestrial effects, led by Dr. Alexander Mishev (University of Oulu) had its first meeting. The focus of the Team is on high-energy Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events, with the provision of inter-calibrated spectra, being one of the main goals.
Team members of REASSESS from the University of Oulu (Dr A. Mishev, Prof. I. Usoskin), the University of Turku (Prof. R.Vainio), the National Institute of Astrophysics [INFN] (Dr. M. Laurenza), the Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel (Prof. B. Heber) and the National Observatory of Athens (Dr. A. Papaioannou) are also Partners of the SPEARHEAD project. As a result, ISSI provided an excellent forum in which ongoing work and research effort from SEPARHEAD was put forth, presented and discussed within the scientific community.