Session related to SPEARHEAD in the upcoming ESWW2024

Session related to SPEARHEAD in the upcoming ESWW2024

A 100% Community Driven Session, CD5, on “Adverse Space Weather-the case of high energy Solar Energetic Particle events”, directly related to SPEARHEAD, has been accepted and is part of the European Space Weather Week (ESWW) 2024 program that will take place in...
SPEARHEAD Partners taking part in EGU2024

SPEARHEAD Partners taking part in EGU2024

The first representation of the SPEARHEAD project was at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly that took part in Vienna last week from 14-18 April 2024. Related presentations were given by: Eleni Lavasa (National Observatory of Athens) at Session ST1.2...


As part of its public outreach and open access plan, SPEARHEAD has created a Community through Zenodo at Presentations, Publications, Results and Catalogues will be gradually provided here as the project evolves.

Workshop #1 SPEARHEAD

Workshop #1 of the SPERAHEAD EU project will be hosted by the National Observatory of Athens and it will take place in Peloponnese from 11-13 June, 2024. The conference premises of the Sikyon Coast Hotel, Peloponnese, Greece are the Workshops’ venue. The conference...