SPEARHEAD Workshop #2
Workshop #2 of the SPEARHEAD EU project will be hosted by the National Institute for Astrophysics and it...
Business meeting during ESWW2024
SPEARHEAD and SOLER had a join business meeting during the 20th ESWW. This provided a great opportunity for...
SPEARHEAD in ESWW’s Space Weather Fair
SPEARHEAD was part of the Space Weather Fair that took place on November 6th as part of the ESWW2024. The...
CD5.2 Session at ESWW
Part 2 of the CD5 session took place on the second day of ESWW2024. Three presentations and four lightning...
CD5 Session at ESWW2024
Part 1 of the CD5 Session took place yesterday at the beginning of ESWW2024. Thorough presentations...
SPEARHEAD Interim Report Meeting
The Horizon Europe project, SPEARHEAD (SPEcification, Analysis & Re-calibration of High Energy pArticle...
Workshop #1 scientific talks on YouTube
Visit SPEARHEAD's YouTube channel to watch scientific talks from SPEARHEAD's 1st Workshop that was held on...
SPEARHEAD in the 28th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS 2024)
SPEARHEAD’s project results focusing mostly on Forbush decreases were presented in the 28th European Cosmic...
SPEARHEAD in the Solar Heliospheric and INterplanetary Environment (SHINE)
SPEARHEAD was represented in the SHINE 2024 with an invited talk on GLEs: Study of GLEs using NM records:...
Open Vacancy at the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA)
IAASARS is looking for an expert to work on the “Scientific Analysis” of very high energy particles. This...
SPEARHEAD’s project results from data products resulting from simulation of instruments were presented today...
SPEARHEAD Workshop #1
Workshop #1 of the SPEARHEAD project was organized from 11-13 June 2024. The first day was devoted to the...